Sunday, November 22, 2009


I think it is wonderful to see money contributed to the Ronald McDonald House. That's what the light-a-luminary effort says it is designed to do and money has indeed been contributed from Southern Village and vicinity.

We got a mailing from the project a week or so ago, and I wonder if spending the 44 cents on a letter to all (I am assuming this went to everyone) is the best way to make the largest contribution. Imagine, instead, that this became a project to see how much we could raise in Southern Village and environs for the House without spending money on mailings and without the fleeting but time consuming exercise of lighting a bunch of candles.

It seems to me that the focus ought to be on raising money instead of lighting candles.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I love the luminaries. I think they symbolize the coming together of the community for something important. It's typically a beautiful night where you can meet your neighbors walking around to view the extraordinary sight.
They're a visual symbol of community giving. I deeply appreciate the work of the organizers.

Susan Hollobaugh