Monday, December 20, 2010

Off sidewalk vehicles?

The Town seems to use vehicles that are too wide for many of the sidewalks in Southern Community Park. It's making a mes of the grass alongside the sidewalks.

Doesn't the Town have narrower vehicles?

Why wasn't this need taken into account when designing the Park?

Southern Community Park trash

I saw what I assume were some families collecting trash in the Park over the weekend. Are they simply very nice volunteers? Or is there a program?

Saturday, December 18, 2010

Garbage and recycling people

Are there any restrictions on what we can give by way of a Christmas or holiday gratuity to the valiant souls who collect our garbage and recycling?
Is it the same team that collects both? Or different people?

I have not gotten an answer to that question, but got a step closer. To clarify, the people who pick up the garbage are town employees, and the people who pick up the recycling work for Waste Industries, under contract.

Saturday, December 04, 2010

"It’s a Small Town After All" -

Anything for Southern Village to learn here?

Friday, December 03, 2010

Aberdeen speed

When school is starting and letting out, shouldn't there be a sign to reduce speed even more on Aberdeen by the pond? I don't recall any such sign.

Guard rail 15-501

As I drove down 15-501 yesterday, I thought for the first time about why it is that the guard rail sits on the other side of the sidewalk - i.e., if a car jumps the curb, it then can hit a pedestrian before possibly coming to a stop at the guard rail. Why wouldn't it make so much more sense to put the guard rail between the road and people? It can defend itself a lot better than any walker or runner could.

Imagine, too, that the guard rail which does not look as though it is painted had a nice Carolina vine or bush growing on it? Which would look nicer - the nude guard rail or the bushes?

"Harrington hit with cease and desist order" - The Carrboro Citizen