Saturday, October 30, 2010

"Private School Civility Gap" -

We have a number of parents in Southern Village who have chosen to send their children to private schools instead of to our excellent public schools. I guess they decided that excellent was not good enough for their kids. I wonder how they react to this study and what their experience has been with students at these private schools? Do they - the schools - have a need for anything like this, just published by the Council of Europe?

Friday, October 29, 2010

Morgan Creek Trail

"Morgan Creek Trail: The Council accepted $560,000 through the Metropolitan Planning Organization's Surface Transportation Program for phase two of the Morgan Creek Trail project. Phase 1 of the Morgan Creek Trail, which is currently under construction, will begin just north of the Southbridge neighborhood and end at the Merritt Pasture. The phase 1 project includes about 4,600 linear feet section of trail, primarily on the north side of Morgan Creek. This section will include a 20 space, concrete parking lot just east of Kingswood Apartments. Phase 2 would connect the existing Fan Branch Trail with the section of the Morgan Creek Trail that is now under construction. Phase 2 of the project would involve the construction of about 1,200 linear foot of trail with 2 bridges and an underpass of Culbreth Road."

"Water Watch" - Orange Water and Sewer Authority

For anyone who wants to keep an eye on our water supply.

More police action

It's a little hard to tell exactly where each of these occurred.....

"Society VICTIM of Drug Paraphernalia (C), at 0 Nc 54/s Columbia St, Chapel Hill,
NC, on 10/28/2010, 10:50. Reported: 10/28/2010.

Society VICTIM of Possession Marijuana (C), at Nc 54 Bypass/ Smith Level Rd,
Chapel Hill, NC, on 10/28/2010, 15:44. Reported: 10/28/2010.

Iraola, Dante (W M, 17) Arrest on chrg of Drugs-poss Sched Vi (M), at 0 Nc 54/smith
Level Rd, Ca, on 10/28/2010.

Johnston, Taylor Scott (W M, 18) Arrest on chrg of Drug Paraphernalia (M), at 0 Nc
54/smith Level Rd, Ca, on 10/28/2010"

I guess this must be the southern entrance to Southern Village...
"On 10/28/2010 at 0707, an accident occurred on US 15-501 at MARKET ST.
Accident involving: James Thomas Webb, Kristina Rae Thomas"

Thursday, October 28, 2010

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Another police incident

Note this alleged larceny on Culbreth.....

"RESTRICTED VICTIM of Larceny- All Other (C), at 225 Culbreth Rd, Chapel Hill,

NC, between 10:15, 10/26/2010 and 11:30, 10/26/2010. Reported: 10/26/2010."

"WRAL WeatherCall Frequently Asked Questions" -

Given the tornado watch today for Orange County - issued in the middle of the night - this service may have great value. If there is a tornado WARNING, I sure don't want to learn about it AFTER it's over!

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Police incidents

Does anyone know anything more about any of these?

"Unc Pain Clinic VICTIM of Information (C), at 410 Market St, Chapel Hill, NC,

between 13:00, 08/17/2010 and 08:30, 10/25/2010. Reported: 10/25/2010."

"Johnson, Erica (U F, 38) VICTIM of Larceny Of Bicycle (C), at 424 Brookside Dr,

Chapel Hill, NC, between 21:00, 10/22/2010 and 09:00, 10/25/2010. Reported: 10/25/2010."

"On 10/25/2010 at 0740, an accident occurred on US 15-501 at DOGWOOD ACRES

DR. Accident involving: Linda Boone Ellis, Teri Ziemke Varillas"

Anything we can learn or do that would help the people involved or avert a repetition?

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

"TerraVita" - Chapel Hill Magazine

Did anyone from Southern Village attend? Reactions?

Friday, October 15, 2010


Today, I found a "doorhanger" on our front door from Farm Bureau Insurance, an agent on South Elliott. As a matter of free speech, I don't object to anything anyone wants to say to me.

That said, I find it very bad judgment to put something on front door handles. Many people here travel, and do not always have someone checking their door knobs while they are away.

And so my reaction is that a firm that disregards this risk and says it is in the "home" insurance business needs to rethink that role. I surely would never deal with them.

Again, that's Farm Bureau Insurance, South Elliott Road agent, in case you, too, want to make note of this.

Thursday, October 14, 2010

Miller and Long van?

There was a van in the Park and Ride lot this afternoon - that arrived from the south at about 4:45PM. A half dozen workers who appeared to have been working in construction, got out and went to their cars.

One drove out of the parking lot and then down the road up the center of the parking lot at a very high speed.

The van had Miller and Long on the side. I did not get close enough to determine more than that.

"Wal-Mart's thinking small" - Marketplace From American Public Media

Could the new development across 15-501 be one of those opportunities for Walmart?

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Stop signs

Today, about 4:30, as I walked down Aberdeen toward the first intersection with Graylyn, I watched two cars emerge from Graylyn without stopping at the stop sign. It wasn't even close. Moreover, each driver was on the cellphone as the cars passed me headed up Aberdeen.

I am going to start carrying my camera when I am out walking and will start photographing and posting photos of anyone else I see who endangers the safety through reckless and illegal actions. Watch me.

Town of Chapel Hill : V Route

It sure would be nice if they clarified that this does not operate on weekends and on what other days? And what changes with the school calendar?

Monday, October 11, 2010

PurchaseTickets - TerraVita

Why not add a link here allowing people to make either an alternative contribution to the IFC (see below) or an IFC donation instead?

"Inter-Faith Council reaches mark of 3,000 families served in 2010" - Daily Tar Heel

I think it is a fair question to ask - is it a better use of $65 to attend the event this Sunday in Southern Village - Terravita, they call it (see below) - or to make a contribution of the same amount to the IFC?

"Weaver Street Market's seventh annual wine sale draws over 300" - Daily Tar Heel


That's quite a fence they are building around at least part of the play area in Southern Community Park. I wonder if that was part of the original plan or is being added because of problems?

Sunday, October 10, 2010

"A growing gift of fundraising spreads to food" -

This seems to be a one woman production, and may prove to be worth the price of admission, but that's for others to decide. If it is successful, it will be a nice thing for Southern Village.

I am not quite sure how the finances work out at $65 ticket for the food and drink, and then a silent auction. I guess the latter results in the fund-raising, while the former likely benefits the organizer, but this is not explained.

"Scroggs garden grows" - Chapel Hill News

Wednesday, October 06, 2010

"Loans helped Weaver Street survive" - Chapel Hill News

I am worried about Weaver Street Market's sustainability in the marketplace and now have to question its commitment to transparency as well.

"Smith Level Road widening approved" - Chapel Hill News

Still another story on this .....

Lumina - Chapel Hill News

Nice report!

Friday, October 01, 2010

Real estate taxes/dues

Recently, I have been thinking about our real estate taxes. They have risen nearly to the level of 12,000/year, a three-fold increase since we arrived 11 years ago.

That's about 1,000/month.

I think it's time that we look upon living here as a club membership situation, and ask ourselves what we are getting for dues of 1,000/month, or whatever amount you may pay.

"Carrboro, DOT strike deal on Smith Level Road widening" - The Carrboro Citizen

This is fabulous - the actual plan!