"A travel study is being conducted for the U.S. Department of Transportation
to get an understanding of how and why people in Southern Village travel the
way they do.
For instance, how many trips are taken by Southern Village residents via carpool, bus, bicycle, and walking as opposed to driving a household vehicle? Are there particular reasons why residents choose one route to their destination over another? These and other questions will be investigated in this study.
Battelle (located in Durham) currently is recruiting households to participate in this study and are looking for volunteers to pilot the application. Each participating household will be provided one of our Samsung Galaxy smartphones to use over a 5-day period to collect information about their travel patterns. Households completing the study will receive $75 in appreciation for their assistance.
For more information about this important study, please contact Alan Pate at 614-424-7611 or patea@battelle.org."
For instance, how many trips are taken by Southern Village residents via carpool, bus, bicycle, and walking as opposed to driving a household vehicle? Are there particular reasons why residents choose one route to their destination over another? These and other questions will be investigated in this study.
Battelle (located in Durham) currently is recruiting households to participate in this study and are looking for volunteers to pilot the application. Each participating household will be provided one of our Samsung Galaxy smartphones to use over a 5-day period to collect information about their travel patterns. Households completing the study will receive $75 in appreciation for their assistance.
For more information about this important study, please contact Alan Pate at 614-424-7611 or patea@battelle.org."