Sunday, September 14, 2008

The environment

How are we doing as a community in respecting the environment? What grade would Southern Village get, both the commercial area, and all the other components of the community, perhaps even including the new Southern Community Park? When I saw some lights on, unnecessarily, in one of the buildings on Market Street, it made me wonder. When I see people putting out for garbage that which can and should be recycled, it disappoints me. When I see all of the big cars riding about our roads with only one person in them, I am outraged. How do we pressure all of us to do better?


Christy said...

In my opinion, the non-native plants used in landscaping, the insistence on lawns that require watering, and the extensive use of fertilizer, which runs off into the creek and ponds are a much bigger problem in Southern Village than people leaving lights on.

Terry MAGUIRE said...

Why does someone like "Christy", if that is her or his name, insist on being anonymous? If one has good ideas to express, which this person does, why do they want to hide?