Monday, September 21, 2009

Siren test

"Next week, on Tuesday, September 22, the University will TEST its emergency sirens between noon and 1 p.m. as part of Alert Carolina, our campus safety awareness campaign. We test the sirens each semester to remind everyone what to do if they hear them go off for a real emergency and to make sure the equipment works properly. We just wanted to let you know about the test in case you hear the sirens. You don't need to take any action.
The sirens will only sound during a life-threatening emergency such as an armed and dangerous person on or near campus, a major chemical spill or hazard, or a tornado sighting. The sirens also broadcast brief public address announcements.
In a real emergency, the sirens will sound a second time with a different tone when authorities determine the situation is “All clear. Resume regular activities.” UNC police will use the “all clear” signal during Tuesday’s test.
People outside on or near campus, including downtown Chapel Hill, may hear the sirens. The sirens are at five locations: Hinton James Residence Hall off Manning Drive; the Gary R. Tomkins Chilled Water Operations Center behind the Dogwood Parking Deck; Winston Residence Hall at the corner of Raleigh Street and South Road; near Hill Hall behind University Methodist Church; and at the Giles Horney complex off Martin Luther King, Jr. Boulevard.
The Alert Carolina web site,, is the best source of information during a campus emergency. You can learn more about the sirens and hear samples of the alert and “all clear” tones at the Alert Carolina site.
If you are the contact person for your neighborhood or community group, please forward this message to your members and others who may be interested."

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