Monday, May 10, 2010

Dogwood Acres pond

When I walked through Dogwood Acres yesterday, I was reminded of what a large - so it seems - pond feeds the little stream that flows thorugh the middle of Souhern Village. This is the one that winds up going under the two bridges at the bottom of the hills, and ultimately out to Culbreth Road.
The second thing I observeed was that while there is very little water flowing in any of the stream beds, the pond appeared to be full. Our small ponds in Southern Village - at least the bigger one - seems to be way down on its banks because of no rain. (I don't understand why the other continues to look pretty full.)
Finally, I wondered who inspects the land under the road to see if there are any potential problems? As I recall, this is not a Town responsibility to look after the pond, but if not they Town, then who?
If that "dam" ever broke, we'd seee a large amount of water cascading through Southern Village, perhaps takinga  tree or many with it --- at the very least!

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