Friday, May 02, 2008

Trail from Aberdeen to new park....

I walked down the trail today from Aberdeen hoping to check on progress at the end of it - for the new park. Two things caught my attention.

One was the fact that they have redone the drain for the overflow from the pond in front of Scroggs, but there is still a lot of standing water there. I could imagine a lot of mosquitoes coveting that as home in a short time. It looks to me as though they will have to redo it again, or deal with whatever problem prevented them from getting it right the first time.

Second was the barrier, once again in place, that shuts off the path at the bottom of the Scroggs walkway. Why couldn't they let people walk up the path to the point of the construction instead of closing off the whole thing?

Anxious to get a feel for how the new park is shaping up.....

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