Sunday, May 04, 2008

V bus in Southern Village

I stood at Edgwater and Brookgreen the other day waiting for the V bus to stop about 2 PM. I looked up Brookgreen at about that time and saw it turning up toward Market St. I walked very fast up to the Park and Ride lot next to the church and the bus was just leaving. He stopped and let me on.

When I asked if the route had changed, he said, no, that he goes all the way to Highgrove every hour and middle of the day there is never anyone there. So he skipped it for once and sure enough, I appeared!

The NextBus function on the Chapel Hill Transit website worked pretty well; it, of course, is not responsible for the driver! I wonder if I had been at the stop whether the GPS system they use to track buses would have detected that the bus indeed was not coming where I was waiting?

1 comment:

Jack said...

I have "watched" the V bus do this to me when I was waiting at Highgrove with my computer refreshing NextBus. The bus disappears from the screen and reappears on Brookgreen. Definitely complain to if it happens; I haven't had a driver do it twice.

(I also had it once while I was on the bus going home for the last trip of the day; I was too quiet and the bus driver thought no-one was still on.)